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Reid Esterson

Reid is a Los Angeles native, who also is an international scholar at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. This spring, in 2014, he will graduate with a BA in Geography focusing on Environment and Sustainability. This website serves as a final project for his Advanced GIS (Geographic Information Systems) class, Geob 370, term 1, winter 2013-2014.

Los Angeles County is home to more than 9.9 million residents, and many Los Angelenos live in or around the picturesque hills and mountain slopes. Are you one of them? Every year Los Angeles county, as well as the region, is affected by land slides and other mass land movements that pose a threat to the livelihood of countless households. Furthermore, when there is a land slide, the very infrastructure that we Los Angelenos rely on is often damaged if not destroyed. 


This study's purpose is to locate "areas of concern" within Los Angeles County's borders. These said "areas of concern" are potential failure planes that are a product of many computations, multi-criteria analyses, and extractions of data of several variables that have been considered and weighed for the best results. Data was collected through four different public sources. In the end, this study will help pin-point various areas, highways, as well as residential and institutional locations in the county that could be subject to land slides or debris flow accumulation in the future. We hope that this map will be able to potentially save lives and protect the infrastrucure of the city.

Background Information

Study Area: (Right)

Los Angeles County 

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